A fireside chat with Sheryl Sandberg in Rome

Lean In Italy is honored to host a Fireside Chat with Sheryl Sandberg, Chief Operating Officer at Facebook and author of the bestselling books, Lean In and Option B, in Rome on June 24th, 2019. Sheryl will be in conversation with Laura Dell’Aquila, Lean In Italy leader.
This event is kindly sponsored by P&G Italia.
Sheryl Sandberg has been an inspiration to all of us and we are humbled and honored that she is coming to Italy and visit our community. Women in over 170 countries have joined the Lean In community. Members meet in small groups called Lean In Circles about once a month to support each other and learn new skills. They talk openly about their ambitions and encourage each other to take on new challenges. Together, they are going further and standing up for equality.
Lean In Italy is a thriving community of over 200 women and growing.
The Lean In Italy Network supports initiatives of local Circles focused on topics critical to advancing women, and encourages members to take action in their local communities.
Please note that this event is closed to all press and media.
We work to create an equal world where people can pursue their dreams without bias or other barriers holding them back